Learn French in France



Founded in 1966 by the University of Poitiers and the town of Royan, CAREL, Royan’s language centre, offers courses in French as a foreign language to a wide range of people: young people, students, adults, both French and foreign. Every year, more than 900 participants from all over the world come through the doors of our multicultural language centre. The town of Royan in Charente-Maritime offers a particularly pleasant setting for your stay and studies, with its architecture, heritage, nature, culture and sport.

Welcome in Royan
Prepare your stay:
Practical and cultural Guide

School Highlights

Entre architecture, patrimoine, nature, culture et sport, Royan et sa région offrent un cadre d’apprentissage agréable.

Visit the school website


48 boulevard Franck Lamy
17200 Royan

05 46 39 50 00

Course organisation :
Group courses at your level  •  Tailor-made courses  •  Online courses virtual classes  •  Juniors Linguistic Stays  •  Summer French Courses

Course content :
Intensif General French  •  Exam Preparation Courses  •  French for Higher Education studies  •  Teachers training Programmes  •  Professional French Courses

Oficial Language Testing Center :

Exam Diplomas Center :