Schools Directory
Schools Directory
Petit Guide France
The FLE quality label
Tests and certificates
How to choose your school
Immersion France
Teacher’s home tuition
Cultural stays
Very Small Schools
Programmes Juniors
Seniors 50+ Stays
French online
French courses online
The French Language Kiosk
Linguistic platforms and tools
Les pages PRO FLE
Schools Directory
Schools Directory
The Schools Map of France
Petit Guide France
The FLE quality label
Tests and certificates
How to choose your school
Immersion France
Teacher’s home tuition
Cultural stays
Very Small Schools
Programmes Juniors
Seniors 50+ Stays
French online
French courses online
The French Language Kiosk
Linguistic platforms and tools
Les pages PRO
L’actualité du FLE
L’Agenda du FLE
Les offres d'emploi
Les offres de stages
Se former pour enseigner le FLE
Enseigner le FLE avec le numérique
Les pages Thema
Les Pages Focus
Learn French in France
Contact us
Immersion France
Immersion France
Improve your French in immersion.
Home tuition programmes. Linguistic and cultural stays.
Teacher’s home tuition
Discover the Regions of France
Cultural stays
Language, culture and tourism Discover the Regions of France
Very Small Schools
Courses programmes and cultural stays in small groups 1-6 participants.
Programmes Juniors
School, Educational and Linguistic Stays Discover the Regions of France
Seniors 50+ Stays
Practice French and discover the French Regions